Well, for some reason it seems so....well I don't even the word I am looking foward to, but I am amazed that my sweet Matthew is 3 today. Where oh where does the time go? He is talking up a storm and is just such a sweet guy. Well, most of the time at least. He is doing well at school, is 99% potty trained (we have a few accidents from time to time, but he is in underwear 100% of the time, so an accident here or there is not a biggie!) He is a truely amazing guy!
We had a fun, yet understated celebration today. We had a small family party at Chuck E. Cheese's. We pretty much threw it together at the last minute, but it was great. Both of the boys had a great time. It was so much fun to watch them get so excited about all the games, seeing Chuck E. Cheese in person, and just enjoying the place. They loved the pizza and the cake and Matt loved opening his presents. He even got to open some presents from family members who weren't able to be with us. Overall it was a great party. We also got to celebrate with a smaller party at home when the boy's Aunt Tania was in town. We had some yummy cookies and had a fun time celebrating.
Christmas was also a lot of fun! We celebrated with a white Christmas this year....not very normal for the DFW area. Although it was pretty, it did keep us from going to the Christmas Eve service...which I missed. I think my anxiety on the drive home from Church on Christmas eve may have inadvertently led to Matthew's fear of snow. He was totally freaked out from step one. He absolutely refused to go outside while there was snow on the ground unless I held him. This is a major deal if you know Matt. He would live outside if I let him. Well, not in the snow apearently. Drew didn't mind the snow as much. I guess being younger he didn't pick up on his mommy's fears. In my defense though....there were cars in ditches and slipping and sliding all over the place...so I was justified being freaked out. However, I now realize that Matthew especially is very sensative to my reactions to things, so I must be more careful in the future.
We had a house full of doggies for the week after Christmas. My parents went up to DC to see my uncle and his family, so we babysat Sam, their dog. We also had my sister's new puppy Shanti, and then our dog Sadie. As you can imagine...it was crazy with the 3 pups and the boys. However, we had a blast and the boys were in heaven with all the doggies. However, with all the snow melting....our backyard was a mudpit and with 3 dogs...our floors were a bit worse for the wear after all was said and done. I know now that the dogs and Aunt Tania have all returned home, it is much quieter...but we miss them all very much!
Overall, it has been a great holiday and birthday celebrations. I pray that 2010 is a wonderful year for you all. We love you and pray you are all well. Love from Frisco.