Well,the boys are doing great. In fact we just recently moved them into the same room. Matt is in his twin sized bed, and Drew is in his toddler bed. We made the move somewhat out of necessity. Drew learned how to crawl out of his crib, and so a move to a toddler bed was in the works. However, the decision to move him into Matt's room was made because Drew's room was not "Drew-proofed", where Matt's room was safe. They now have slept 3 nights together and they do great. Matt was happy to have Drew share the room and Drew is more than thrilled to be with his brother. We actually had them nap together today. It took about 10 times of me reminding them it was quiet time and they had to remain in their beds, but they eventually both took naps. It is really quite sweet to see them in the room together. We are still deciding if this is going to be a long term thing or not.

Drew will be 2 in less than a month and he is talking up a storm. He uses 3 word sentences and repeats most things you say...so we need to be very careful. He is a total monkey....climbing up and over, and on anything he can. It is a normal day for him to have several bumps on him. He has no sense of fear...which is kinda scary. He doesn't cry much when he is hurt, but will wail when he is upset. This kid has a temper that I didn't see in Matt. He is a lot more like his mama. God help us all. But overall, this kid is way fun, and you never know what he will do next. He keeps me on my toes! I love him, love him, love him!!!
As for Matt, he is doing great at school. It is hard to believe that he almost finished his first year in preschool. He is coming out of his shell at school and is pretty much totally potty trained. He is 3, so we do have the occastional accident, but it is VERY rare! He loves to help me, and tries to mommy his brother all the time, telling him what he can and can't do. He often is happy to tell me when Drew needs to go to time out. Isn't that helpful....NOT! He is so much like his daddy, not only in looks, but also in his quiet and gentle personality. He is a fun kid and such a joy!

As for Jeff and I, we are doing great. In less than a month we will celebrate our 7 year anniversary. Hard to believe! I love him more now than I did then, so I count that as a major blessing. We pray you all are doing well. Sorry it has been so long since we have updated the blog. We love you all and pray all is well with you. Love from Frisco.