We celebrated Matt's 5th birthday and Nicolas's 3 week birthday on January 3rd. Two of our three sweet boys got their well checks at the doctor and they both are....in the doctor's words..."perfect." Nicolas is a whopping 9 lbs. now and Matt is weighing in at 39 lbs. They both are growing and wonderful. We spend the day at Chuck E. Cheeses on New Years day to celebrate Matt's birthday and then we went out to eat on his actual birthday. He really enjoyed his cupcakes mommy made and his favorite presents were his new games for his Mobigo and his Transformers from his Papa and Grammy. The boys are adjusting fairly well to their new brother, but there are certainly some growing pains. Matt is a bit more sensative these days and Drew is a bit more defiant. Definitely more tears lately, but lots more hugs and kisses too. Part of it could be that they had two weeks off at Christmas and now we are getting back to a regular schedule, so that has been an adjustment too. We will keep you updated as our boys continue to grow and be the light of our lives.