Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Catch up....

Well, since the last post we celebrated Nicolas's 1st birthday, had a wonderful Christmas and a great New years as well. Once January arrived, we got to celebrate Matt's 6th birthday. He actually had several parties. He celebrated once with Aunt Tania before she returned to France, once on his actual birthday where we went to the zoo for the day, once at school, and then finally a big party with his friends at Strikz (a blowing alley). All of the celebrations were a lot of fun. That leads us to my birthday which we have fun celebrating other than the sick kids. We had to postpone my celebration since Drew got the stomach virus. That nastiness lasted a week. But eventually we celebrated my birthday. It happened to fall on MLK day so Matt even had my birthday off this year. Jeff took me Roy's for a nice birthday celebration a week later which was great. Once we go over the stomach virus, Nicolas got an upper respiratory infection. So we have had several weeks of sickness in our house. I'm glad it's almost all over. So far, February has been nice. Nothing big to report on....but just enjoying life with my sweet bunch of guys. Praying you are all doing well. Love from Texas.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Professional Pictures by Missy Ann Photography


My sweet family

Mops 2699

My three favorite little men

Mops 2712

Mops 2726

One of my favorites

Mops 2750

My sweetie and me…

Mops 2772

Love this man!

Mops 2776

Mops 2777

Mops 2784

Love this one…

Mops 2788

Not sure if I like this one for the card best or….

Mops 2815

This one…

Mops 2818

Love these boys!

Mops 2836

Thanks Missy for taking such great pictures.  If you need pictures done go see my good friend Missy.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mother/Son Dance-October 2012


Drew and I had fun getting ready for the pirate themed mother son dance.


Matt got a chance to join us after his soccer game and we met several friends there.



The boys and me after the dance ended.


Matt and me posing after the dance for our picture.


The boys got to see Grandma who was watching their little brother with daddy and Grandpa after the dance was over.


The boys and I had a great time at the mother/son dance.  I am looking forward to going next year.