As for Matthew, he is talking more and more each day. He regularly uses short sentences and his dictation is great. He just yesterday got his mattress (which was on the floor) moved up onto the bed frame. He seems like such a big boy now. He will go down the biggest slide at the playground with no help and climb up the rock wall on his own. He took swim lessons a couple weeks ago and that went well. Well, actually he was freaked out during the lessons. He clung to me like white on rice. However, the Sunday before the lessons he unexpectedly went under the water at my parents pool. This was the first time I had ever seen him nervous around water. The whole week in lessons he was freaked out. However, since then he is doing great in the pool. He will "kick, kick, kick", blow bubbles in the water, and "make pizza" which is just moving your hands in circles in the water. He is having fun in the water again and this makes me happy.
As for our formidable enemy, the fleas. We are doing much better. We haven't won the war yet, but we are certainly winning. We have seen a major drop in their numbers and hopefully soon we will wipe them out entirely. Don't tell PETA. ;-) However, I must say that vacuuming everyday has its pluses and minuses. My carpet looks the best it has ever looked. However, after vacuuming 3600 square feet of carpet...I totally hate vacuuming. As if I didn't hate it enough before. I so want to get rid of our carpet and get wood floors. Well, maybe someday. It is good to have something to look forward to. For now, I would just settle for having no more fleas in my home ever again!!!!!
I have finally gotten around to posting pictures for Drew's party. You will have to scroll down to the blog about his party and view the slideshow. I added a few photos from the PA/DC trip in that scroll down to check them out. When I have the time and patience I will add more pics from PA. Enjoy. Love from boiling hot Texas.