Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fevers, fevers, go away.....

Well, overall we are doing well. However, my kids have been sick for the past couple of days. Last night was the first night in a couple that they both slept through the night...and therefore the first night that I slept through the night. They both have been running fevers, so I took them to the doctor on Monday. I wasn't too worried about the fevers, but Matt threw up on Sunday night. My fear was H1N1. I was happy to hear that neither of my boys tested positive for flu or strep. However, it seems they both have Hand, foot, and mouth disease. Horrible name...isn't it!! It is not the same as Hoof and Mouth that cows get, for those of you who don't know...but is appearently a common childhood virus. Drew has actually had it before. It just leaves sores by their hands, feet, and in their mouths. (Hence the name Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease). Matt has none of the sores, so I think he might just have another kind of virus, but Drew has them. :-( They both have been a bit cranky and have had diminished appetites. The doctor says that it should resolve itself in about a week or so. Until then, keep us in your prayers as I have to keep Matt home from school and I can't go to my bible study since they can't go into childcare. Pray for healing, and patience on my part.

As for other goings on...Matt is doing well and is starting to talk up a storm. He seems to think that he is in charge of Drew. He tells him no a lot and has even spanked him on occation. My favorite was when he spanked Drew (barely a tap on the bottom) and said "No Drew, hurt yourself" Gotta love my little helper. The sibling thing can work to my advantage when it comes to Matt. If he won't do what I want him to, I will just ask Drew and then Matt is first to comply. He is doing great in school and loves to go there. In fact when I drop him off he walks right in and barely says goodbye to me. He is however, always happy to see me when I pick him up.

Drew is doing well. He is talking a lot as well. He loves to wave goodbye and is going to be my little troublemaker. It is fun to see his little personality coming out. He is my daredevil. He has had a black eye, a bloody head, and several more bumps in this week alone. He is full on drama. He will cry like he is seriously hurt for even the smallest bump, but then be right back to getting into trouble the next minute. He loves to screech when his brother takes a toy from him (if Matt can actually successfully pry it from Drew's hands---the kid is strong!!). He is also the sweetest, and loves to give hugs and currently thinks his Daddy hung the moon. (My sister tells me they go back and forth on this one between Mommy and Daddy...which is true).

As for me, I am keeping busy...bible study on Wednesdays and I just joined a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group every other Friday. They both have been huge blessings to me. Jeff is also doing well, staying busy with work. We pray that you all are doing well. Much love from Frisco.

1 comment:

The Lyons Family said...

Hey lady! I left you a Blog award on my page. :) Go check it out! www.alwaysatexasgirl.blogspot.com